Apply for Bio Art & Design Award 2024

Deadline Date: February 21, 2024

Donor Name: Bio Art & Design (BAD) Award

Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

Are you a recently graduated artist/designer interested in bio art & design? Do you have a creative, mind-blowing idea that pushes the boundaries between art and science? And would you like to make that idea come to life in close collaboration with a prominent Dutch research institute? If yes, then apply now for the Bio Art & Design (BAD) Award 2024.

The BAD Award highlights and explores exciting new intersections among design, artistic practice and the (life) sciences. The BAD Award is made possible by a collaborative consortium of Eindhoven based cultural partners: BioArt Laboratories, Dutch Design Foundation, MU Hybrid Art House, and Next Nature. Furthermore, St Joost School of Art & Design/Master Institute of Visual Cultures joins the BAD Award as an education partner.


  • The BAD Award aims to stimulate emerging designers and artists to delve into the world of bio art and bio design, and produce new work in close collaboration with prestigious Dutch (life) scientists, working in numerous fields – such as sustainability, food, health, biotechnology, horticulture, and agriculture – with a focus on living materials: from molecules to the universe and every bio entity in-between, natural and synthetic.
  • The Award aims to:
    • Ignite interest and excitement about the interaction between art and sciences through high-quality, original artistic practice and indepth collaborations.
    • Examine the social, cultural and ethical contexts of the sciences through the arts.
    • Promote high-quality interdisciplinary practice and collaborations between art/design, and science/technology.
    • Foster the development of art/design projects with potential practical applications.
    • Funded projects must be collaborations between artists/designers and researchers/scientists based on an equal exchange of ideas and knowledge. Projects proposed for the BAD Award must be new and not yet in operation or fully realized.

Funding Information

  • Depending on the quality of the proposals the BAD Award consortium partners decide to grant a maximum of three Bio Art & Design Awards of €25,000 each.


  • Your work will be exhibited alongside other recent bio art and design works in the creative city of Eindhoven.

Who can submit?

  • Artists and designers with a keen interest in the sciences, who graduated within the last five years in the field of art or design (at either the master’s or bachelor’s level).
  • You can participate individually, or with others. As long as the main applicant has graduated within the last five years in the field of art or design (at either the master’s or bachelor’s or phd level). The prize money will stay the same (25.000 euros), regardless the amount of artists / designers in your team.
  • Both EU and non-EU citizens may submit an application. For non-EU citizens it is necessary to take sustainable travel, travel expenses, visa rules and COVID-19-regulations into consideration as they need to be covered from the budget or otherwise taken care of by themselves.
  • Artists and designers that are winners of previous Designers & Artists 4 Genomics Awards or Bio Art & Design Award are not eligible again for this competition.


Special conditions that apply to the award:

  • The Award of € 25,000 is sufficient to realize the project.
  • A time frame of 6 months is sufficient to realize the project.
  • Working with genetically modified organisms is in general not possible. A permit to exhibit genetically modified organisms may take 6 months or more. Therefore a GMO permit must not be crucial for the realization of the project.
  • New (still to be developed) biotechnology must not be crucial for the realization of the project. Backup solutions should be available.
  • All applicants are available for the matchmaking event on Friday 19 April 2024 If they come physically it is at their own expense. EU and non-EU residents (incl UK) may also choose to participate and pitch online in the matchmaking and should be available for online questions.
  • To attend this final juryday, EU residents and UK-residents living outside the Netherlands can get a maximum of € 150 for their actual travel costs reimbursed.
  • Travel needs to be arranged by the applicants themselves.

For more information, visit Bio Art & Design (BAD) Award.

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