Call for Ideas: International Mentorship Program for Audacious Minds

Deadline Date: February 26, 2024

Donor Name: Skills e.V.

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

Forecast is offering artists and creative thinkers from anywhere in the world the chance to work with accomplished mentors toward bringing their projects to fruition.

Forecast selects six mentors from various disciplines who offer selected participants their expertise in specifying and realizing project ideas.

Funding Information

  • If a mentor selects your proposal and you participate as a nominee at the Forecast Forum in July-August 2024, you will receive a fee of 2,000 euros, which includes the production cost of your presentation.
  • Travel and accommodation for participants at the Forecast Forum in Berlin is granted by Forecast/Skills E.V. Please note that if you apply as a duo or collective, Forecast will cover travel and accommodation for only one member.
  • If your proposal is subsequently chosen as one of the six mentee projects to be showcased at the Forecast Festival in March 2025, you will receive an artist fee of 6,000 euros and a production budget for realizing your project, up to 8,000 euros. The production budget will be made available in installments based on the stages of the project’s development and its budgetary requirements. It is imperative that you submit a preliminary production and budget plan to convey the project’s scale and set milestones for its realization.
  • Should your proposal necessitate additional funds, Forecast will provide support in applying to further collaborations and/or funding. They encourage that you initiate additional fundraising and see it as an important part of structuring your creative work.
  • The particulars of the participation in the Forecast Forum and/or Festival will be set forth in separate contracts.

Who can apply?

  • Anyone from anywhere who is working creatively in a field that they consider connected with one of the mentors in this year’s edition, or in related practices.
  • They recommend looking at the mentors’ statements and familiarizing yourself with their work before deciding whether to apply, and with what project. After all, you and the mentor would work together for several months if you are selected, so you should have an idea of what they would be able to provide in their mentorship role.

What should the application include?

  • In the online application form, you will be requested to enter the following:
    • Basic information: name, year of birth (used solely for internal administrative purposes), current address, phone number, country of residence, citizenship(s), pronouns, and email.
    • Mentor: name the mentor you’re applying to work with.
    • Your core concept: up to 1,400 characters max.
    • Your proposal: a single PDF, 16 MB max.
    • Your portfolio: a single PDF, up to eight pages.
    • Curriculum vitae as a PDF.
    • Your life and career: tell them about three moments in your life, experiences, projects, or jobs that have been of special importance to you, 600 characters max.

For more information, visit Skills e.V.

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