Doctoral Scholarships for Candidates from Developing Countries

Deadline Date: February 20, 2024

Donor Name: Ghent University

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

With support from its “Special Research Fund” (BOF) Ghent University grants PhD scholarships to promising PhD students from developing countries who wish to carry out half of their PhD research at Ghent University (‘North’) and half at a university in a developing country (‘South’).

Ghent University (‘North’) wishes to support university research groups or research centres in developing countries (‘South’) in their aim to grow into excellent research centres by upgrading local academic personnel. 

Ghent University only finances the part of the research that will be carried out in Ghent (24 months). The candidate must have full-time funding for the other 24 months of research to be carried out in the South.

Funding Information

  • PhD scholarship at Ghent University (in total 24 months).
  • The amount of the scholarship is approximately € 2.470 per month for the part of the PhD done at Ghent University.
  • The Ghent University supervisor receives a bench fee of € 310/per month + travel budget of € 8000 to cover (part of) the operational costs and part of the travelling costs of the student, the Ghent University supervisor and the local supervisor.


  • Co-funding is mandatory with this scholarship. Consult the call documents for more information on what co-funding is allowed.
  • In general, the following conditions must be guaranteed by the partner in the South:
    • There must be a local PhD supervisor at the partner university or research center in the South;
    • A written statement from the partner university is requested stating that the candidate will receive a fulltime local PhD scholarship or salary for a period of 24 months when working on the PhD at the partner university in the South and
    • will be sufficiently exempted from teaching or other assignments as to be able to fully concentrate on the PhD research in the South. Applicants can dedicate maximum 10 % of their time (fulltime appointment) to other tasks (teaching and other tasks)

Mobility scheme of the Scholarship

  • The following mobility scheme is mandatory:
    • Students need to start and end with a research stay of 3 -12 months in at Ghent University.
    • The first research stay at Ghent University needs to be started between 1 October 2024 and 28 February 2025.
    • At least 24 months of locally funded research in the South must be scheduled in between the first and last research stay at Ghent University.
  • Exceptions to the mandatory mobility scheme
    • Applicants who can demonstrate that they are unable to start their 4 year PhD research with a research stay at Ghent University because the partner university/research center in the South requires a successful completion of a PhD study program in their university before commencing further research activities, can request an exception to the mobility scheme;
    • Applicants who can demonstrate that they are unable to start their 4 year PhD research with a research stay at Ghent University because they must first complete a period of field research in the South can apply for an exception to the mobility scheme;
    • Applicants who can demonstrate that they have successfully completed a full-time funded PhD study period (of up to 12 months) at the partner university/research center in the South can request to integrate this period in the required 24 months of locally funded research stay in the South;
    • Applicants who can demonstrate that they have successfully completed a full-time funded PhD study period (of up to 12 months) at Ghent University can request to integrate this period in the required 24 months of researach period at Ghent University.


  • Students are obliged to pursue a Ghent University PhD degree, either as a 100% Ghent University degree or as a Ghent University Joint PhD degree (in which case a joint PhD agreement with the partner university in the South must be signed after the start of the scholarship at the latest).
  • If the Ghent University grant holder receives a single PhD degree from another institution instead of Ghent University, the latter can reclaim the scholarship from the student.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates need to come from – and have the nationality of – one of the selected developing countries;
  • The proposals must be jointly submitted by a candidate, a supervisor (promoter) at Ghent University and a supervisor at the partner university (South);
  • No restrictions are imposed on the field of research, nevertheless preference will be given to topics that are relevant for development;
  • Only degree students (students who intend to obtain a (joint) PhD degree at Ghent University) can apply. Exchange students cannot apply for this scholarship;
  • This program is meant for students at the beginning of their PhD. To a limited extent, PhD students are allowed to have already completed preliminary research. At the time the fellowship starts (1/10/2024), a minimum of 36 months of doctoral research must still be required to complete the PhD;
  • Ghent university wants to encourage more female researchers to apply for this scholarship. That is why a Ghent University supervisor can support maximum 2 candidates per call on condition they are both of a different gender.

For more information, visit Ghent University.

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