Doctoral Student in Development Economics

The Development Economics Group (ETH-DEC) at ETH Zürich offers a Doctoral Student position in Development Economics. The starting time is the 1st of July (or later) 2024. Payment per month. The position is full-time and limited to four years.


The successful candidate will conduct and publish research on new research projects related to global value chains, global communication, and global cooperation. The candidate will work closely together with Prof. Isabel Günther. As part of the ETH-DEC and the ETH NADEL Global Cooperation and Sustainable Development, the successful candidate will also participate in ongoing research and teaching linked to poverty and inequalities. We offer an exciting and intellectually challenging position at a renowned university with close links to policymaking and other disciplines. 


The successful candidate has a qualified MA degree in economics, statistics, or a related field, and speaks and writes English proficiently. They must demonstrate a strong motivation to learn and conduct research at the intersection of development economics and data science. The ideal candidate has a strong background in quantitative and experimental methods. Previous work experience linked to policymaking or work in low- or middle-income countries is an additional asset. The successful candidate is a team player, enjoys interdisciplinary discussions, has strong communication skills, and is willing to travel globally for extended periods.

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