Research Training Program

The Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP) (in effect as of 1 January 2017) provides funding to Australian universities to support both domestic and international candidates undertaking a higher degree research (HDR) program. Support provided may include tuition fee offsets, stipends and allowances. The provision of funding through the RTP is governed by the Commonwealth Scholarship Guidelines (Research) 2017.

It is at the discretion of the University to determine how many scholarships it will support, the HDR , programs that will receive support and the process by which this support is managed. With the funding provided through the RTP, Griffith University administers the following schemes:

  • The RTP Domestic Fee Offset – provided to eligible domestic candidates commencing or enrolled in a RTP-supported HDR program.
  • The RTP Stipend – awarded through a competitive process, this scholarship provides an allowance to assist with general living costs.
  • The RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship – awarded through a competitive process, this scholarship for international candidates covers program tuition fees that would otherwise be payable by the candidate.

The Australian Government has replaced the support it previously provided through the Australian Postgraduate Awards (APA), International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) and the Research Training Scheme (RTS) with the RTP. The University is required by legislation to transfer all APA, IPRS and RTS recipients to the new Research Training Program by the 1st January 2017. Continuing HDR candidates previously supported by an APA, IPRS or through the RTS will receive equivalent support for the period remaining on the tenure of their award.

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