Apply now for The Audacious Project

Apply now for The Audacious Project

Deadline Date: March 15, 2024

Donor Name: TED

Grant Size: Not Available

Are you a changemaker with a bold vision? Are you a non-profit with an experienced team equipped to receive large scale philanthropic support? Is your idea a proven concept that aspires to create a better world? TED is looking for ideas that cover a wide range of issues, from global health and climate change, to social justice and education.

The big ideas that are part of The Audacious Project vary widely — from global health to ocean exploration to social justice to education. They are currently considering all issue areas, and welcome your thoughts on the pressing problems they should be addressing.

What makes an idea Audacious?

  • Inspire
    • Transformative vision
      • Your idea should capture a bold vision for tackling one of the world’s most urgent topics.
    • Creating a better world
      • It is your opportunity to take a giant leap forward; you may be tempted to think incrementally, but remember for it to be bold, your idea should offer significant, enduring impact. This vision should bring them much closer to your version of an ideal world in a matter of years rather than generations.
    • Innovative and original
      • There should be a unique aspect or creative element to your approach that challenges convention or status quo or changes the narrative for the greater good.
  • Convince
    • Proven concept
      • There should be evidence that the idea will have impact based on a track record of past success, a demand from those that would be affected, and justified confidence that results can be sustained in the future.
    • A bold vision that has clear outcomes
      • There should be a sense of where you will be at the end of a multi-year funding term and the strategy, resources and timeline required to achieve it. They want to hear about the changes that would take place because of your idea, not just the components that go into implementing it.
    • Established support
      • You and your capable and confident team have the backing of a nonprofit, NGO, or institution (or is part of a collaboration between multiple such entities). This organization should be able to receive philanthropic funds and have the core infrastructure necessary to support the work. (Note: Past projects have had an annual operating budget of $1 million or more.)

What kind of ideas will be considered for The Audacious Project?

  • The Audacious Project looks for timely ideas that are that magic combination of deeply inspiring and convincingly credible. That means ensuring your idea balances the ability to change the way people look at an issue, with a deliverable plan that will make that vision come to life. The emotional appeal and personal connection should be met with a logical approach and a track record of your teams’ relevant successes.

Does TED provide funding for the projects?

  • While The Audacious Project is housed at TED, TED itself does not provide funding for grantees. TED’s role is one of curation, ideation and community development.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Individuals, ages 18 and up, may apply on behalf of a nonprofit, NGO, institution or collaboration between multiple entities. Before applying, they encourage you to read the criteria found on their Apply page.
  • They only accept applications from the organizations and individuals to whom the bold idea belongs.
  • Applications may be completed in any language for which online translations are easily accessible. However, should the idea advance, conversations with project leaders will need to be conducted in English. Additionally, the TED Talks delivered by grantees will also need to be given in English.

For more information, visit TED.

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