Call for Applications: WIPO Global Awards 2024

Deadline Date: March 31, 2024

 Donor Name: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

 Grant Size: Not Available

Through this Awards Program, WIPO undertakes to celebrate SMEs that have used IP rights to commercialize innovative and creative products/services beyond their home country, and in the case of startups, for integrating IP into their business venture at an early stage, acknowledging the potential to commercialize their IP assets.


  • Winners will receive:
    • Travel to Geneva to attend the Awards Ceremony and special events (funded in accordance with WIPO’s rules),
    • A WIPO Trophy specifically designed for this Program,
    • Customized IP mentorship opportunities (considering, on a case-by-case basis, the business background and specific needs of the winners).
  • In addition, winners will be offered promotion, visibility and recognition through an Awards ceremony, special WIPO Awards webpage, WIPO media, and other external IP related media.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligibility for SMEs
    • The Awards Program is open to all SMEs located in at least one of WIPO’s 193 Member States and meeting the following conditions:
      • It is a registered business entity. Proof of registration is required.
      • It has no more than 300 employees and up to 15 US$ millions of total annual sales.
      • It is a holder of at least one registered IP right.
      • It is exporting its products or services to at least one country.
  • Eligibility for startups
    • The Awards Program is open to all startups located in at least one of WIPO’s 193 Member States and meeting the following conditions:
      • The startup is a registered business entity with a legal existence of no more than three years. Proof of registration is required.
      • It has no more than 50 employees.
      • The startup has an innovative product or service associated with IP rights.
      • The startup has submitted at least one application for the registration of one IP right and/or is the holder of at least one registered IP right.
      • The startup is affiliated with a business support organization, such as an incubator, an accelerator, or a similar entity. Proof of affiliation is required.
      • The startup has affirmed its engagement with at least one commercial customer, and/or has completed a business sale, and/or secured one investor.

For more information, visit World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

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