EGIS Impact Hub Team up for Climate Challenge 2024

Deadline Date: March 25, 2024

Donor Name: EGIS Impact Hub

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

EGIS Impact Hub is inviting you to create or join a team to come up with an innovative solution on the topic: adapting and living together in the face of climate risks.

Adaptation Strategies

There are different adaptation strategies for dealing with climate risks and one solution can combine several strategies:

  • Inform & Raise Awareness
    • The first step in enabling people to cope with climate risks is to become aware of the issues at stake. More concretely, this means knowing the local consequences of climate risks and how to position themselves as actors of change. To achieve this objective, this category invites you to think about innovative and effective communication strategies to inform and raise awareness among communities.
    • You can draw on traditional knowledge and skills and adapt them to more modern formats, or be creative by choosing one of the various artistic modes of creation. You’ll need to convey the message clearly and in a way that’s adapted to the reality of the community it’s aimed at, choosing transmission channels that maximize the impact of your message while remaining accessible to as many people as possible.
    • Take inspiration from the solutions proposed in previous editions:
      • Raising awareness through music: a project to raise awareness of water-related issues in a community in Mexico through a musical and sound creation.
      • Raising awareness through the dissemination of ancestral stories: a project to promote Nigeria’s traditional knowledge of adaptation through a digital knowledge-sharing platform.
  • Anticipate & Repair
    • In order to reduce the vulnerability of populations, ecosystems and also economic activities to the already known consequences of climate change, one way to act effectively is to strengthen preparedness by anticipating risks and helping populations to recover after climate disasters. This category invites you to think about different ways of preparing communities through action plans, warning systems or even the substitution of practices that are too exposed to climate change.
    • Another possibility is to improve the resilience of communities, for example by developing a solution that encourages the return to daily activities after a disaster, or by multiplying income-generating alternatives that make communities less vulnerable to climatic events.
    • Take inspiration from solutions that have already been proposed in previous editions:
      • To anticipate:
        • Forest fire warning system in Portugal: project to install smoke sensors to detect fires in agricultural plots.
      • To repair:
        • Post-crisis resource-sharing platform in Brazil: an app project to facilitate solidarity and cooperation between village residents and local authorities.
      • To anticipate and repair:
        • Agricultural practices substitution project in Kenya: training project in agroforestry practices to substitute agricultural practices suffering from drought.
  • Protect
    • When climate risks become too great in frequency or intensity, even if awareness-raising and anticipation actions are implemented, it is often still necessary to implement solutions to protect communities. This category seeks to encourage technical solutions that will make local populations less vulnerable and less exposed to extreme climatic events.
    • This includes infrastructure, mechanical or electronic systems, nature-based solutions or a combination of different techniques to provide physical protection, or to relocate communities at risk.
    • Get inspired by solutions that have already been proposed in previous editions:
      • Flood-resistant housing solution: Project to build a biosourced floating house.

Why take part in the challenge?

  • Join forces with other students from all over the world
    • An opportunity to talk to other students about issues of civic engagement.
  • Entrepreneurship Experience
    • Participation in collective workshops with makesense to develop the project with this NGO specializing in social innovation.
  • Mentoring and Guidance
    • Team mentoring with Egis professionals to develop your project.
  • Career opportunities and alumni network
    • Opportunity to meet Egis teams and professions during visits to the offices and join the Team Up for Climate Alumni network.

Award Information

  • Ceremony and study trip
    • Public presentation of projects at a major event in Paris + for 1st Prize: 2 days of meetings with associations, academics and professionals to further develop the project.
    • The ceremony will take place at a public event in Paris, where the winning teams will be invited to present their project virtually or in person.
    • The winning team will be invited to a stay in Paris with the opportunity to meet with Egis teams and also with associative, academic and professional players to further develop their project.
  • 30,000€ in prizes to share
    • An individual prize for each member (from €500 to €1,000), financial planning workshops valued at €5,000 and a boost of €3,000 to €7,000 conditional on the project’s launch.
  • Highlighting the project with Photoclimat
    • Participation in an art project to be exhibited at the Photoclimat festival in 2025 in Paris.
  • Prize Distribution
    • Main Laureate
      • €1,000 per team member
      • Study trip and Awards Ceremony in Paris
      • Individual financial planning coaching with makesense
      • BOOST €7,000 (conditioned) to ensure project continuity 6 to 8 months later
    • 2nd
      • €750 per team member
      • Individual financial planning coaching with makesense
      • BOOST €4,000 (conditioned) to ensure project continuity 6 to 8 months later
    • 3rd
      • €500 per team member
      • Individual financial planning coaching with makesense
      • BOOST €3,000 (conditioned) to ensure project continuity 6 to 8 months later

Eligibility Criteria

  • The challenge is open to students from all over the world and all disciplines.
  • This challenge is open to students, interns and trainees from EGIS as well as young graduates.

For more information, visit EGIS Impact Hub.

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