Mercatus Center launches Frederic Bastiat Fellowship Program

Deadline Date: March 15, 2024

Donor Name: Mercatus Center

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Mercatus Center has launched the Frederic Bastiat Fellowship Program, a one-year competitive program awarded to graduate students attending master’s, juris doctoral, and doctoral programs in a variety of fields including economics, law, political science, and public policy.

The aim of this fellowship is to introduce students to the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy as academic foundations for contemporary policy analysis, policy-relevant academic research, and other applied topics.

Fellows will explore how this framework is utilized for a variety of topics (including entrepreneurship, technological innovation, public health, regulation, immigration, natural disasters and military conflicts, and federal and state fiscal policy) during a series of colloquia where they will interact with Mercatus scholars that work on policy analysis and policy-relevant academic research.

Fellows will join a network of Mercatus students, alumni, and scholars who are conducting and engaging with cutting edge research in contemporary political economy.

Funding Information

  • The total award of up to $5,000 includes:
    • A stipend
    • All required readings
    • Travel and lodging to attend colloquia hosted by the Mercatus Center


Mercatus Center Frédéric Bastiat Fellows are expected to:

  • Coordinate their schedules to arrive in the DC metro area before 5pm each Friday for the weekend colloquia, making arrangements with their home institution to cover any responsibilities that might present scheduling conflicts with travel.      
  • Observe conventional standards of professional conduct while in attendance at the facilities hosting the program.
  • Submit expense reimbursements within 15 days of the adjourning session of each colloquium
  • Adhere to policies, procedures, and deadlines communicated by Mercatus Center staff related to their participation in the fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who meet all of the following criteria are strongly encouraged to apply:

  • Students that will be enrolled in an accredited graduate program during the upcoming academic year.
  • Students that are able to commit to traveling during 4 weekends for colloquia during the upcoming academic year.
  • Students that have an interest in public policy and Mercatus’ approach to research and outreach in the ongoing debates on public policy.
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine whether work related to completing a dissertation, thesis, or going on the job market will interfere with full involvement in the program. Applicants who can commit to full participation in the program are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Students that are enrolled in an accredited graduate program, including master’s, juris doctoral, and doctoral programs are strongly encouraged to apply. That includes, but is not limited to, MA, MPP, LLM, JD, and PhD degree programs.
  • Graduate students from any discipline who have an interest in the program are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Any student of any nationality enrolled in any degree-seeking graduate program at any university, in the US or abroad, is eligible to apply for the Frédéric Bastiat Fellowship. The program will arrange and cover airfare, as well as lodging and meals associated with the fellowship.

For more information, visit Mercatus Center.

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