Mercatus Center’s Elinor Ostrom Fellowship Program

Deadline Date: March 15, 2024

 Donor Name: Mercatus Center

 Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Mercatus Center is pleased to announce the Elinor Ostrom Fellowship, a one-year program for doctoral students from any university and discipline who are interested in the themes of markets, culture, morality, and sociality in political economy.


  • The total award of up to $7,000 includes:
    • A stipend
    • All required readings
    • Travel and lodging to attend colloquia hosted by the Mercatus Center

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students who meet all of the following 3 criteria are strongly encouraged to apply:
    • Students that will be enrolled in an accredited PhD program during the upcoming academic year.
    • Students that are able to commit to traveling 3 weekends for colloquia during the upcoming academic year.
    • Students who have research or teaching interests in the themes of markets, culture, morality, and sociality and who would benefit from a greater understanding of key contemporary writings in political economy.
  • Applicants who can commit to full participation in the program are strongly encouraged to apply.
  • Any student of any nationality enrolled in any doctoral program at any university, in the US or abroad, is eligible to apply for the Elinor Ostrom Fellowship.

For more information, visit Mercatus Center.

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