Power Station++ | Mobility Program for Cultural Professionals

Deadline Date: April 15, 2024

Donor Name: Timișoara Project Center

Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

The Timișoara Project Center is currently accepting applications for the Power Station++ | Mobility Program for Cultural Professionals.

Power Station++ is a non-reimbursable funding program for internships and travel grants for professionals working in the cultural field, run by the Center for Projects of the Municipality of Timișoara, with funds allocated from the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Culture.

Power Station++ Program | Mobilities for cultural professionals is part of Power Station, the component of the National Cultural Program “Timișoara – European Capital of Culture in 2023” dedicated to increasing the capacity of the cultural sector, implemented by the Center for Projects of the Municipality of Timișoara.


  • Power Station++ supports the participation and national and international circulation of professionals in the cultural field, continuous learning, collaboration and strengthening of partnerships.


  • General objectives:
    • Supporting the national and international mobility of professionals active in the cultural field, particularly in relation to current or future cities holding the title of European Capital of Culture;
    • Increasing the visibility of the local cultural scene on the national and international level;
    • Contribution to the objectives of the Local Strategy of the Municipality of Timisoara 2014-2024 (Timisoara Connected) and the Cultural Programme Timisoara 2023 (Power Station component), on the basis of which Timisoara was awarded the title of European Capital of Culture.
  • Specific objective Internships:
    • Developing the skills of people working in the cultural field through participation in national and international internships.
  • Specific objectives Travel grants:
    • Outbound Travel: Increasing the participation of cultural professionals from Timisoara in events and in the activity of cultural organisations in Romania and abroad.
    • Inbound Travel: A better understanding of Timisoara’s local scene by Romanian and international professionals.

Funding Information

  • Training internships:
    • Total budget: 500,000 RON (~ 101,500 EURO / ~ 111,500 USD)
    • Budget divided according to thematic directions
      • Inbound Internships (hosted by organizations from Timisoara, for national/international professionals): 200,000 RON
      • Outbound Internships (hosted by national/international organizations outside Timisoara, for professionals from Timisoara): 300,000 RON
    • Ceilings (maximum amounts of the requested non-reimbursable funding)
      • Inbound Internships: max. 15,000 RON
      • Outbound Internships: max. 20,000 RON
    • Instalments of non-reimbursable funding
      • instalment 1: max. 85% (after signing the funding agreement)
      • instalment 2: min. 15% (after the submission of the activity report and its verification)
  • Travel grants:
    • Total budget: 500,000 RON (~ 101,500 EURO / ~ 111,500 USD)
    • Budget divided according to thematic directions
      • Inbound Travel (travel grants to Timisoara, for national/international professionals): 200,000 RON
      • Outbound Travel (national/international travel grants outside Timisoara, for professionals from Timisoara): 300,000 RON
    • Ceilings (maximum amounts of the requested non-reimbursable funding)
      • Inbound Travel: max. 10,000 RON
      • Outbound Travel: max. 15,000 RON
    • Installments of non-reimbursable funding
      • installment 1: max. 85% (after signing the funding agreement)
      • installment 2: min. 15% (after the submission of the activity report and its verification)
  • The beneficiary will identify and attract complementary sources of funding of at least 1% (percentage of the total budget, i.e. the budget including the requested grant and complementary sources of funding).
  • The complementary source of funding cannot come from another application/project funded by the Center for Projects of the Municipality of Timisoara.
  • An applicant may submit only one application to this funding programme.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The funding programme is addressed to natural persons applicants, at least 18 years of age, or authorized natural persons, Romanian or foreign, active in the cultural field.
  • The programme funds internships that:
    • last at least 10 calendar days – period away, at a host organization, which gives its consent to receive the applicant as an internship;
    • have one/more training objectives assumed through the funding application;
    • bring benefits not only to the trainee, but also to the local context and/or the organization with which he collaborates/works constantly.
  • The programme funds travel grants that:
    • consist of participating in an event/project/organization, with a well-defined purpose, for which the applicant can prove that he received the organizer’s consent;
    • bring benefits to the participant in terms of visibility, promotion of practices, works, documentation and exploration of new partnerships or collaborations.
  • Professionals from the cultural sector are encouraged to participate – artists, cultural managers, producers, curators, art critics, financial managers, cultural mediators, researchers, cultural communication professionals, cultural policy professionals, other occupations in the area of technical or administrative support for the cultural scene, regardless of their status of employees, freelancers, etc.

For more information, visit Timișoara Project Center.

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