Request for Applications: Innovation Projects in the Fossil Fuels Sector

Deadline Date: April 30, 2024

Donor Name: Climate and Clean Air Coalition

Grant Size: $500,000 to $1 million

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition is seeking solutions to pressing challenges for short-lived climate pollutant mitigation in the fossil fuels sector.

This call aims to bridge critical information, implementation, and finance gaps in the sector to create enabling environments for SLCP mitigation.


  • Projects submitted to this call for proposals should advance innovative approaches and technologies to improve the speed, scale, and access to mitigation action in a developing region, country, or state.
  • Proposed projects are required to cover one of the following focus areas:
    • Focus area 1: Support countries in building capacity to mitigate methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.
    • Focus area 2: Support countries in developing policies and regulations to mitigate methane emissions from the oil and gas sector.
  • Note: This call for proposals seeks projects that implement mitigation solutions. Applicants interested in supporting national policy and planning projects should wait to apply to the CCAC’s call for proposals for national planning and policy projects which will launch in Q2 of this year.

Funding Information

  • Estimated project cost  up to $1,000,000

Eligible Projects

  • To be eligible for consideration, project proposals must be:
    • Complete
    • Relevant
    • Submitted on time
    • Within the budget range set in the call for proposals
    • Less than 24 months in duration
    • Compliant with CCAC gender criteria
  • Proposals that do not meet these minimum criteria will not be evaluated.
  • Successful proposals will demonstrate clear alignment with the CCAC’s Sector Engagement Strategy and recommended SLCP mitigation measures for the sector, as well as:
    • Demonstrate support of the targeted governments and other relevant leaders
    • Have co-funding or in-kind contributions
    • Provide a plan to sustain the project results after completion 
    • Be linked to existing priorities, efforts or needs within the targeted region, country, or state
    • Have the resources available to implement the project, if and once it is approved
    • Provide a reasonable estimate of the project’s SLCP mitigation potential and the resulting co-benefits for climate, air quality, and development
    • Demonstrate no negative impact on vulnerable populations and biodiversity, and, if possible, generate a positive impact
  • Multidisciplinary collaborations, as well as the involvement of appropriate private sector stakeholders, are encouraged.

Gender Equality

  • Climate change and air pollution mitigation measures are more sustainable, equitable and likely to achieve better results if gender considerations are included in planning and implementation stages. That is why the CCAC Gender Strategy set a long-term objective to mainstream gender across all CCAC-funded projects.
  • As of 2023, the CCAC is looking for projects where “Gender equality is an important and deliberate objective, but not the principal reason for undertaking the project/ program” (OECD). This means achieving a Score 1 on the OECD DAC Gender Equality Policy Marker. Meeting these criteria is highly recommended for all proposals submitted to the CCAC, but will be an evaluation criteria for all proposals requesting USD$100,000 or above in project funding.
  • The CCAC Application Form & Guidance supports you in designing gender-responsive projects. Should your proposal be selected for funding, this information will be elaborated on during the project design phase and monitored throughout implementation and reporting. Additional information on CCAC Gender Mainstreaming is available in their Gender Mainstreaming Guide.
  • The CCAC holds 2 webinars a year providing guidance to implementers on gender mainstreaming.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The CCAC can only fund non-profit entities, which include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and government entities.
  • For-profit entities are not eligible to receive CCAC funding, though may participate in projects as stakeholders, collaborators, or co-funders. Applicants are encouraged to include for-profit entities in the development of the project proposal and during project implementation when their ownership of the proposed solution is key to the project’s success.  


  • All applicants requesting CCAC funding will be required to provide their last three (3) audited financial statements to be eligible for CCAC funding. These statements may be provided along with the initial application form or during the evaluation process.
  • In addition to eligibility criteria outlined above, qualified implementers (United Nations agencies excluded) must meet the following criteria:
    • Have adequate financial resources to perform the contract and meet all existing commitments (financial health).
    • Be able to provide proof of registration and not-for-profit status.
    • Have a record of satisfactory performance with UNEP/CCAC, when applicable; and not have been suspended or debarred by UNEP/CCAC or another UN agency. UNEP/CCAC also considers entities included in the Security Council Resolution Lists to be ineligible for UNEP/CCAC agreements.
    • Have necessary rules, policies, or processes in place to prevent misconduct and corruption, especially regarding Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH).
  • As a general rule, project budgets must keep costs for incidental procurement to a strict minimum:
    • For agreements of $200,000 and below: up to $20,000 or 15% of total amount, whichever is lower
    • For agreements of above $200,000: up to $40,000 or 15% of the total amount

For more information, visit CCAC.

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