CFPs: Promoting Ecolabels and Sustainable Public Procurement In the Building and Construction Sector

Deadline Date: April 12, 2024

Donor Name: One Planet Network

Grant Size: $10,000 to $100,000

The Consumer Information Programme of the One Planet network (OPN) and the EcoAdvance project, in partnership with the Sustainable Public Procurement Programme of the One Planet network are launching a call for proposals to increase the use of ecolabels (ISO 14024) and promote sustainable public procurement (SPP) as tools to improve climate mitigation, biodiversity, and resource protection in the building and construction sector.

Through this call for proposals, the Consumer Information Programme and the EcoAdvance project, in partnership with the Sustainable public procurement programme, will support initiatives from developing countries or emerging economies (except the five target countries in Latin America) working in the building and construction sector to:

  • apply good practices related to the use of Ecolabels in SPP,
  • develop ambitious ecolabels criteria (linked to climate change, biodiversity protection, and resource conservation),
  • improve policy and legal frameworks,
  • enhance knowledge management and increase engagement of stakeholders.


  • To increase the use of ecolabels (ISO 14024) and sustainable public procurement (SPP) in the building and construction sector to improve climate mitigation, biodiversity, and resource conservation. This will be done by:
    • supporting the adoption of good practices related to the use of ecolabels in SPP, improving policy and legal frameworks, strengthening ecolabel schemes and support them to develop or revise sustainability criteria for highly climate, biodiversity or resource conservation
    • supporting public procurement entities to include in their tenders climate, biodiversity or resource conservation criteria based on ecolabels
    • exchanging knowledge on ecolabels and SPP and increasing engagement of stakeholders.
  • At the start of the initiative, selected entities will be asked to participate in an online event where
  • good practices will be presented.
  • At the end of the initiative, selected entities will be asked to present the results of their initiative in online awareness raising events.

Funding Information

  • Depending on the proposal and the identified needs, a funding envelope of between USD 20,000 and USD 40,000 will be made available to each of the selected initiatives to implement the activities proposed in the respective country they are based in.
  • Co-funding and/or in-kind contributions to the project are expected from the applicant.
  • Implementation period: 12 to 18 months

Who can apply?

  • Registered non-profit organizations from developing countries or emerging economies that have developed an ecolabel scheme (ISO 14024), this could be non-governmental. organizations (NGOs), private philanthropic institutions, research institutions, foundations.
  • National government agencies or local government authorities from developing countries or emerging economies.
  • Any other non-profit entity based in a developing country or emerging economy that justifies the pertinence of this initiative.
  • The applicant organization cannot be from the five EcoAdvance target countries in Latin America (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Mexico) and shall possess a good understanding of sustainable consumption and production topics, sustainable business approaches and stakeholders’ engagement. Proven experience in implementing projects of similar nature is desired. Proficiency in English, Spanish or French is required.

For more information, visit One planet Network.

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