Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards

Deadline Date: April 19, 2024

Donor Name: Step Two

Grant Size: Not Available

Step Two has announced the Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards to help organisations establish and sustain modern digital workplaces.

The Intranet and Digital Workplace Awards are global awards that recognise outstanding contributions to the fields of intranets and digital workplaces. The awards uncover remarkable solutions that deliver business value, and then share them with the wider community. They also shine a light on the talented teams behind this work, and the agencies that have supported them.

They tackle the complexities of your digital workplace, developing pragmatic strategies, and designing intuitive and human-centred solutions.

Driven by deep domain knowledge and productive field research, they enable digital workplace teams and senior leaders to proceed with clarity and confidence. They help their client partners to achieve an engaged and efficient workforce who are supported by a great digital employee experience.

  • Intranets
    • Produce a modern intranet that delivers tangible business value, guided by employee research and insights from the world’s intranet experts.
  • SharePoint and M365
    • Deliver a human-centred SharePoint Online intranet and help employees make the most of all that M365 has to offer.
  • Digital workplace and DEX
    • Develop strategies that encompass the digital employee experience, including knowledge, information, communication, governance and adoption.

Award Categories

  • Intranet essentials
    • New intranets or intranet rework, or innovations to core elements such as search or people directory.
  • Social, collaboration and communication
    • Initiatives which showcase social networking, collaboration and internal communications.
  • Business solutions, mobile and frontline
    • Solutions or apps, either mobile or web-based, designed for a particular use or to  solve a problem, as well as initiatives that use mobile or are designed for frontline staff needs.
  • Microsoft 365 solutions and adoption
    • Solutions and initiatives based on Microsoft 365 that have achieved excellent business results
  • Digital employee experience & digital workplace
    • Covering a wide range of initiatives that improve the working experience for staff including bots, AI and beyond.
  • Mastering disruptive change
    • Examples of when teams have gone above-and-beyond to deliver truly transformative change for employees, helping navigate all the challenges that arise.


  • Platinum and Gold Award winners will receive beautiful glass trophies.
  • Silver entries will receive a engraved medal, and all winners are provided with a digital badge to display on your intranet.

How they work?

  • Consulting
    • Working in partnership with you, they have well-tested methodologies that will get you the outcomes you need.
  • Advice and mentoring
    • Get their knowledge and insight on tap, to use whenever you need it throughout your journey.
  • Training and workshops
    • Build knowledge and expertise quickly within your organisation, and learn practical skills.


  • Entering the Awards is entirely free of charge.
  • They’re excited to see the best of what’s happening around the globe in terms of intranets, digital workplaces and DEX.
  • They typically run events in Australia, UK and USA, as well as an online event. Decisions will be made later in the year.
  • When personal presentation is not possible, Awards will be sent directly to winners.
  • They’re very happy to accept entries from across the the globe, regardless of the language the intranet or digital workplace is published in. (They’ve already had winners from Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia, Denmark and more!)
  • The Awards are interested in the widest possible range of solutions that target workforce (rather than customer) needs.
  • Therefore, whether your submission relates to an intranet, a business app, a social intranet, an HR portal, a standalone portal, an internal-facing microsite, an enterprise social network, a collaboration platform, a mobile app, an apps platform, a digital workplace, a chatbot or even a site which blends internal and external audiences, then that’s fine with them!
  • Your entry can also be about your approach to the digital workplace such as a governance framework, effort to support adoption and more.
  • The same submission can be entered into more than one category.
  • you can enter as many times as you like. (Multiple entries can be useful for the judges when determining the overall Platinum Award for the year.)

For more information, visit Step Two.

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