Art in Odd Places 2024: CARE Open Call

Deadline Date: May 26, 2024

Donor Name: AiOP CARE

Grant Size: Not Available

AiOP CARE invites artists, performers, agitators, and caretakers to enact notions of care along 14th Street NYC.

They are looking for individuals, collectives, and collaborators, and those interested in collaborating with like-minded folks to design new team projects for the festival. CARE invites artists to offer stations of care across the festival, where all are invited to stop, to rest, to CARE.

Care is a ripple. From intimate to global, from self-care, care of family and lover, friend and neighbor, town and city, state and country, the global world, care undulates out to the whole island planet and every species upon it. To care is to look after, provide for, to watch over, to grieve, to lament, to cry, to feel concern, to attach importance. In a year of political turmoil, war, and environmental devastation, how wide can the caring arms be embraced?  

Art opens a space of empathy – an invitation to see through the eyes and heart and mind of another. An act of hope and imagination – art can help us dream new ways and new worlds into being. They invite you to imagine together how they can bring care to one another and the fraught and fragile world.


AiOP offers participants: 

  • Promotion to AiOP’s network of press and art world contacts.
  • AiOP website presence with project info, bios and links to personal websites.
  • Project consultation.
  • Advice for artists with a studio practice wanting to work in the public realm.
  • Access to a growing community of like-minded artists, curators, and makers working in the public realm.

Eligible Projects

Projects should:

  • Encourage a novel use of or interaction with public space while engaging with CARE.
  • Be able to move through public spaces continuously and effortlessly, without impeding the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic by blocking the sidewalk and/or street.
  • Consider both anticipated and unpredictable locations.
  • Commit to maintaining a presence on 14th Street for the duration of the festival.

Selection Criteria

  • This year they are looking for projects that relate to care. Selection of projects will be based on originality of concept in relation to the theme of CARE, creative inventiveness, and scope of interaction with both the public and the legacy of 14th Street. 
  • Projects should be topical, easily accessible to the public, portable, weather-proof for the outdoors, and be feasibly realized with a limited budget (DIY). AiOP can assist with finding locations for your work, but they cannot create your project for you.

For more information, visit AiOP CARE.

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