Call for Projects: The Future of Planet Earth

Deadline Date: May 31, 2024

Donor Name: The Villa Seurat Foundation for Contemporary Art

Grant Size: Not Available

The Villa Seurat Foundation for Contemporary Art is seeking applications to promote the visual arts and contemporary dance by financially supporting the realization of projects anchored in a social approach.

The Foundation awards prizes and supports the creation of artist projects, exhibitions, publications and residencies, in France and abroad.

The Foundation’s headquarters is located at Villa Seurat in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. This villa was, and remains, a place of artistic creation and sharing, “Downtown Paris” as Elisabeth Lebovici wrote.

The Foundation will endeavor to exhibit the winning projects in 2025, although it cannot make a firm commitment to do so. In the same way, the Foundation may publish a book (paper and/or electronic) documenting the award-winning projects and, generally speaking, ensure communication around the award-winning projects. The works created thanks to the Foundation’s prize remain the property of the artists. The latter undertake to mention the name of the Foundation and the support they have received each time they exhibit or communicate about the work created thanks to the Foundation.

Number of Prizes

  • The Foundation could select five projects for grants.

Eligibility Criteria

  • To visual artists, whatever the medium used.
  • To the choreographers.
  • No nationality or residence conditions are required.
  • Artists previously awarded the Foundation cannot apply.

For more information, visit The Villa Seurat Foundation for Contemporary Art.

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