CFPs: Broadening Participation in Cognitive Science Initiative

Deadline Date: May 24, 2024

Donor Name: Cognitive Science Society

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Cognitive Science Society welcomes grant proposals for new Broadening Participation in Cognitive Science initiative.

The Cognitive Science Society promotes diverse participation in Cognitive Science through multiple initiatives. 

The Cognitive Science Society brings together researchers from around the world who hold a common goal: understanding the nature of the human mind. The mission of the Society is to promote Cognitive Science as a discipline, and to foster scientific interchange among researchers in various areas of study, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education. The Society is a non-profit professional organization and its activities include sponsoring an annual conference and publishing the journals Cognitive Science and TopiCS.

Funding Information

  • For a limited time, the Cognitive Science Society will offer grants up to $5,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a researcher (e.g., faculty member, postdoctoral researcher, graduate student) affiliated with a university or research institute. This funding opportunity is open to all, regardless of geographic location at the exception of researchers located in countries subject to US embargo.


  • Successful proposals will focus on engagement and outreach and must be interdisciplinary and showcase more than one of the core disciplines of Cognitive Science (e.g., cannot be narrowly psychology or neuroscience in its focus)
  • Proposals should maximize the impact of their work by making publicly accessible materials
  • Proposals that describe a pathway for sustaining the activity beyond a single event will be prioritized
  • Proposals must engage with groups that are under-represented in cognitive science. Underrepresented groups could be defined by, but are not limited to, disciplinary expertise, gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability status, and geographic location such as rural areas or internationally under-represented areas, such as from countries under-represented in cognitive science
  • Proposals should put forward initiatives that increase participation or retention of under-represented populations in Cognitive Science (at all levels of education)
  • Originality of ideas is welcome but not required. This grant can be used to scale up an existing outreach program or start something new.
  • They will consider a wide variety of initiatives
    • Your proposal could engage with students at any academic level and/or the general public, and/or groups nationally or internationally
    • Your proposal could also engage with your audience at your institution, a public venue, or meet your audience where they are located (e.g. rural communities)
    • Your proposal could engage your audience with cognitive science generally or could engage with them by getting them involved with cognitive science research
    • Your proposal could fund staff, travel, equipment/supplies, etc.
    • This is not a research proposal, and they will not consider research-based projects for this award. Your initiative should focus on engagement and outreach related to cognitive science.
  • Proposals can be for events occurring in the summer or during the school year but must be within one year of being awarded
  • Winning projects will need to write an activities report within a year of being awarded and write a short blog post about the event for the CogSci blog

For more information, visit Cognitive Science Society.

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