GBD Emerging Researcher Award – Apply Now!

Deadline Date: May 15, 2024

Donor Name: University of Washington

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Emerging Researcher Award is supporting emerging global health researchers to carry out innovative research to improve the measurement and knowledge about burden of disease in populations.

Award Details

  • Up to $5,000.

Who is eligible?

  • The GBD Emerging Researcher Award is open to individuals who meet the following criteria:
    • An early‐career professional (this may include students pursuing a terminal degree and must be no more than five years post terminal degree)
    • Demonstrable evidence that the nominee can carry out Global Burden of Disease (GBD) research of the highest scientific quality, focused on either:
      • Methods improvement; or
      • Application of GBD methods at the global, regional, national or subnational level; or
      • Innovative applications of GBD data.
  • Two awards will be made annually. For one of the two awards, preference will be given to candidates who are based in a LMIC. Female nominees are encouraged.

For more information, visit University of Washington.

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