TWAS-Atta-ur-Rahman Award in Chemistry

Deadline Date: May 10, 2024

 Donor Name: The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)

 Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) has launched the TWAS-Atta-ur-Rahman Award in Chemistry, sponsored by Searle Company Ltd, to given to a chemist not older than 40, national of a science-and-technology lagging country (STLC), who has been living and working there for a minimum of two years immediately prior to his/her nomination.

Nominations are accepted from TWAS members as well as science academies, national research councils, universities and scientific institutions in developing and developed countries.

Award Information

  • The award is worth $5,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible candidates are young chemists (not older that 40), national of a developing country, who have been living and working in a Scientifically and Technologically Lagging (STL) country, for a minimum of two years immediately prior to their nomination. All fields of Chemistry are eligible.
  • Self-nominations and nominations from jury members will not be considered. Fellows of TWAS are not eligible.
  • The same nominee cannot be nominated for more than one ‘Fellows of TWAS Awards’ in a given year. The secretariat retains the right to bring to the attention of the relevant nominators that the nomination may be suitable for another award, and the final decision whether or not to shift the nomination will be taken by the nominators themselves.

Selection Criteria

  • A pre-screening of the nominees will be done at TWAS, the nomination dossiers of the qualified candidates will then be submitted to jury members for their evaluation. Based on this evaluation Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman will select the winner.

For more information, visit TWAS.

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