Voices of SDG16+: Stories of Global Action Campaign

Deadline Date: June 03, 2024

 Donor Name: Peace Direct

 Grant Size: Not Available

Voices of SDG16+: Stories of Global Action is a collaborative campaign to bring the work of civil society on SDG16+ to the global level of work around the United Nations.

Around the world, the 2030 Agenda has helped catalyze and support a wide range of innovative, grassroots-led work around SDG16+ with a variety of civil society actors. While the actions and commitments of civil society at the national level are often overlooked in global-level discussions, the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) provides a unique opportunity to bring civil society from a wide range of contexts together to showcase best practices and innovative initiatives supporting SDG16+ implementation, and a chance to explore opportunities for further civil society collaboration at all levels around SDG16+ going forward.

Building on the success of previous campaigns they are now pleased to announce the 2024 Voices of SDG16+ Campaign! In the context of the 2024 United Nations High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development which takes place in July 2024, this sixth edition of the Voices of SDG16+ campaign will be centred around the theme “Ensuring effective delivery of SDG16 in times of multiple crises by reinforcing the 2030 Agenda”. This year’s 6th campaign anniversary will provide space to showcase the crucial work done by local actors in implementing SDG16 – entries are also called for that shed light on the interlinkages with the SDGs under review at HLPF2024 (SDG1 on No Poverty, SDG2 on Zero Hunger, SDG13 on Climate Action, and SDG17 on Partnerships for the Goals). Entries tackling the review of SDG16 with the Summit of the Future are also welcomed.

What is “Voices of SDG16+”?

  • A video-campaign to showcase civil society SDG16+ work from around the world
  • An event at HLPF featuring activists working to advance SDG16+ in their communities
  • A social media presence (#ActOnSDG16) throughout 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and now 2024 to raise the profile of SDG16+

The 2024 Voices of SDG16+ Campaign

  • A new 2024 video-campaign to harvest and showcase civil society SDG16+ work from around the world around the theme “Ensuring effective delivery of SDG16 in times of multiple crises by reinforcing the 2030 Agenda”
  • A side-event during HLPF 2024 showcasing stellar contributions from civil society and opportunity to engage in a community of local voices of SDG16+.
  • A social media presence throughout #HLPF2024 and towards #SDGSummit to highlight the critical role of civil society in the global SDG16+ space and calling for action.

Notes for Entrants 

  • You may submit more than one entry; 
  • The Voices of SDG16+ Campaign strongly urges all participants to abide by all local social distancing guidelines, and do not endorse participants violating any local guidelines, laws or regulations related to the COVID-19 situation in their localities. Therefore, they would encourage participants to submit videos taken in their homes or places of residence, as a way of discouraging and limiting interactions that could put themselves or others at risk of spreading COVID-19 in their communities.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • provide relevant information in line with the format required for entries; 
  • give consent for the information they provide to be uploaded onto the Campaign Partners website, social media channels, and affiliated campaign websites; 
  • give consent for potential media coverage of their organisation’s project; 
  • Contestants must be at least 18 years old on the date of entry into the contest.

For more information, visit Voices of SDG16+.

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