Call for Applications: “PHOTOLAR25” Photo Contest 2024

Deadline Date: June 30, 2024

 Donor Name: Libroslar

 Grant Size: Less than $1000

Applications are now open for the “PHOTOLAR25” Photo Contest to print a beautiful and high quality calendar that will cheer up the homes and offices of the customers.

The theme of the “PHOTOLAR25 CALENDAR ” photography contest is: 

  • FLY – (Everything that flies in an artificial way: planes, ultralights, balloons, sky diving, hang gliders.)

Prize Information

  • The winner of the contest “PHOTOLAR25 CALENDAR” will be awarded with a cash prize of 300 euros.

Who can apply?

  • All interested adults can participate. 
  • Every participant must send 12 pictures, each labeled with the month proposed for each picture written in the filename (january.jpg, february.jpg…, or 1.jpg, 2.jpg…) 
  • The format of the calendar requires that all photos must be in LANDSCAPE ORIENTATION AND IN COLOR.
  • AI-generated images are not allowed and will result in immediate disqualification.
  • Under-age photographers are also welcome to participate, but a statement of permission from parent or guardian will be required should their gallery provided (12 pictures) be preselected for the final jury.
  • The twelve photos must be by the same author. Only one photographer will be the winner of the contest. 

For more information, visit Libroslar.

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