Call for Applications: Pierre and Alexandra Boulat Prize

 Deadline Date: June 15, 2024

 Donor Name: Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Association

 Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Association has announced applications for the Pierre and Alexandra Boulat Prize to promote the work of Pierre & Alexandra Boulat, and encourage the work of photojournalists who encounter the economic difficulties of the photojournalist profession.

The Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Association Prize is awarded upon presentation of a file to an active photojournalist, without restriction of age, sex or nationality, wishing to carry out personal work of a social, economic, political or cultural nature, in journalistic treatment. 

Prize Information

  • The winner of the Prize will be awarded the amount of 8,000 euros in two installments, half when the prize is awarded in September and the remaining half based on the work accomplished no later than April 2025.
  • The award of this prize is intended to enable the winner to produce the photo report whose project is presented with a view to obtaining the Prize.
  • The Prize can only be awarded to one photographer.


  • The jury, made up of photography professionals, will award the Prize based on the professional qualities of the candidates, the photographs sent and the relevance and originality of the project. The jury is sovereign in its decision which will be rendered by majority at the end of the deliberations. His decision is final. The jury may decide not to award a prize if it considers that the applications proposed to it do not justify its award.


  • Files presented for the prize having obtained another prize in the meantime for the same project will be removed from the selection.
  • The jury, made up of personalities from the world of photography, will meet in Paris, in June 2024, to designate the winner of the Prize which will be announced and awarded during the Visa pour l’Image Festival in Perpignan, in September 2024.
  • Complete your report no later than April 15, 2025, so as to allow a possible presentation of your work in the form of an exhibition or screening evening at the International Photojournalism Festival “Visa pour l’Image – Perpignan” which will take place the first three weeks of September 2025.
  • Do not submit your report to any other Prize, competition or grant before its presentation at the Visa pour l’Image Festival Perpignan, in September 2025.
  • Do not publish the photographs taken from the work that he/she will have been able to produce thanks to the Prize before its presentation at the Visa pour l’Image Festival – Perpignan, in September 2025.

For more information, visit Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Association.

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