Call for Entries: ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’or Award 2024

Deadline Date: June 09, 2024

 Donor Name: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

 Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’or award is granted in recognition of the work of a professional photojournalist who has covered a humanitarian issue related to forced migration in situations of armed conflict.

This award is part of the prestigious international photojournalism festival: Visa Pour l’Image, which is held every year in Perpignan (France). The winner will receive an award to help finance future photographic projects.

Through this prize, the ICRC has two objectives: to highlight the work that photojournalists do every day in the field, but also and above all, to raise awareness about the lack of respect for international humanitarian law around the world to a wide audience.

For its 14th edition, the theme is: ‘Civilians, the primary victims of armed conflicts’.

Award Information

  • A prize money of €8,000 is funded by the ICRC.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The contest is open to professional photographers attached to press agencies or media and to independent professional photographers.
  • The 2024 edition of the ICRC’s Humanitarian Visa d’Or award will reward a professional photojournalist who has been able to illustrate the fate of civilians in armed conflicts.
  • Any report shot more than 2 years ago will not be accepted, as it would not be sufficiently linked to current events.
  • Each participant may present a report containing between seven to ten photographs. Each participant is allowed to present one report only. Should the report include less than seven photographs or more than ten, the participant will be automatically eliminated from the contest.
  • This application file must include:
    • The application form, duly signed 
    • A curriculum vitae. 
    • A Photo report file containing two editings:
      • 1 editing with low resolution pictures (max size for each pic: 3Mb) .jpg only. 
      • 1 editing with high resolution pictures, TIFF (10 Mb for each pic), in the event of a paper print should the photographer be the winner. 
    • The pictures must be named and numbered in the desired order. 
    • A word page with a text, of 15 lines, that presents the subject, the date and the place where the pictures were taken, with no mention of any name or agency. 
    • A word page with the photos’ captions (maximum 2-3 lines each) with the corresponding numbers.

For more information, visit ICRC.

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