ChallengeUS Future Leaders Competition 2024

Deadline Date: June 09, 2024

 Donor Name: ChallengeUS

 Grant Size: Less than $1000

Applications are now open for the ChallengeUS Future Leaders Competition, an innovative platform designed to showcase talents and skillsets of young visionaries from around the world.

With a focus on fostering critical thinking and creativity, this competition serves to empower the next generation of leaders.

Through competition offerings, participants are provided with opportunities to showcase their perspectives and ideas through speech and/or writing. Whether it’s addressing global issues, proposing innovative solutions, or exploring emerging trends, participants are encouraged to think outside the box and push the boundaries of conventional thinking.

By providing a platform for young minds to express their ideas and collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds, we aim to inspire and empower the leaders of tomorrow to create a brighter, more innovative, pioneering, and sustainable future.

Participants are invited to submit, an original piece of writing or submit a video showcasing their public speaking skills through giving an original speech, responding to the prompt. 

Competition Prompt: Spring 2024

  • Through youth-led initiatives, advocacy, and grassroots efforts, young voices and perspectives have proven to be vital catalysts for change. What, in your opinion, is the role of young people in a functioning society?

Prize Information

  • First, Second, and Third-Place winners will be recognized, along with Honorable Mentions
  • First-place winners for each submission category will be awarded $250
  • First, Second, and Third-Place winners will receive a Certificate of Achievement and their submissions will be published by ChallengeUS

Eligibility Criteria

  • Any student, residing in any country, currently enrolled in an accredited high school or college/university, is eligible to participate
  • Students taking academic gap years or semesters are also eligible
  • Submissions (speech or writing) must be in English
  • Any use of AI or plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will result in automatic disqualification


  • Writing Specific
    • Word Limit: 1250 words
    • Writing submissions should be in PDF format with a readable font size (11 or 12 pt.) and a professional font style (Times New Roman, Arial, etc.)
    • If research is incorporated, any citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) will be accepted
  • Speech Specific
    • Speech Limit: 10 minutes
    • Speech submissions should be in MP4 format
    • Participants should speak directly to the camera; high audio and video quality is expected
    • Visual aids are permitted but speech quality will be the foremost evaluation criteria

For more information, visit ChallengeUS.

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