Nominations open for Forbes Sustainability Leaders 2024

Deadline Date: June 07, 2024

 Donor Name: Forbes

 Grant Size: Not Available

Nominations are now open for Forbes’ inaugural Sustainability Leaders list, spotlighting 50 of the most inspiring leaders across the globe who are catalyzing a sustainable future.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) released the first-ever report assessing progress in implementing the 2015 Paris Agreement. The findings are stark. Although many countries are developing promising plans for a net-zero future, and the transition towards renewable energy is gaining momentum, they are not moving nearly fast enough to achieve current ambitions and mitigate far more severe impacts of climate change.

The call for bold, collaborative, and accelerated action has never been clearer. At the same time, recent and profound advancements in science, technology, and policy thinking, have made the tools and solutions needed to achieve the goals more tangible than ever. Their implementation is the key.

That is why, with a focus on impact, Forbes Sustainability Leaders will serve as a directory of those audaciously driving the innovative and scalable solutions the world needs. Launching in concert with the third annual Sustainability Leaders Summit on September 24, during New York’s Climate Week, the goal with the list is to amplify the work of the honorees, foster connections, and inspire others through their stories.

They are seeking leaders spanning all industries and disciplines in recognition that a diverse climate movement is critical to not only abate climate impacts but steer us towards a thriving future in harmony with the planet.

The list is open to visionary startup founders mobilizing and scaling technological advancements, C-Suite executives taking risks and accelerating current gold-standard climate policy, as well as scientists, policymakers, social advocates, investors, storytellers, and artists pushing boundaries to address the defining issue of the time.

Nomination Guidelines

Honorees may be emerging leaders while others may be household names, but the latter are not resting on their legacy or are being recognized for lifetime achievement. Some may be doing critical but heads-down work that does not typically receive accolades. All are contemporary agents of change who are ambitious and innovative. When identifying the inaugural class of sustainability leaders they are considering the following:

  • Impact
    • The cohort’s work is authentic and delivers proven, discernible positive impacts—no greenwashed efforts.
  • Leadership
    • Nominees are proactive, not passive. They stand up, engage in dialogue, implement solutions, and pave new paths forward. They are risk-takers.
  • Innovation
    • The leaders focus on exploring new frontiers, challenging existing limits, and solving problems in unique ways. They are pioneers in their field.
  • Growth
    • They look for visionaries who not only have smart solutions but also possess viable plans and the drive to scale their impact.
  • Recency
    • They emphasize recent breakthroughs, prioritizing candidates who, in the last few years, have made significant contributions to environmental sustainability.
  • Equity
    • The nominees strive to create solutions that benefit everyone, recognizing that environmental sustainability is inseparable from social justice. They blend knowledge with wisdom to foster and sustain meaningful change.

For more information, visit Forbes.

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