Open Call for Artist or Collectives to Extend Research around Generative AI

Deadline Date: June 16, 2024

Donor Name: The Photographers Gallery

Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000

The Photographers’ Gallery invites proposals from artist or collective to develop research and create a new digital commission to be presented online and at the Gallery in February 2025.

This free open call is for artists or collectives to undertake or extend research around generative AI, self-made tools or similar advanced technology. The research will in turn form a new commission to feature on Unthinking Photography and at The Photographers’ Gallery.

The Photographers’ Gallery’s digital programme is undertaking an ambitious research project exploring the intersections of photography, imperialism, and networked culture. It traces the transformation of photographic practices from the socially aware political contexts of the 1980s to the realms of computational, machinic and artifcial intelligence (AI) practices of today.


  • The commission might address ideas (but not exclusively) such as:
    • The networked image
    • Corporate imperialism
    • Synthetic images, as including of generative AI and a part of computational photographic practices
    • The ecological effects of large language models and image generation
    • Alternative and DIY approaches
    • Images as coded data
    • Ecological approaches
    • Human in the loop
    • Materiality of servers and servers as archive
    • Regulatory frameworks for synthetic images

Funding Information

  • The commission includes £4000 as an artist fee, paid in two installments upon signing a contract, and a production budget of £5000.


  • The commission will be displayed in two forms: online, on the platform Unthinking Photography, and at The Photographers’ Gallery. The artist(s) will be expected to provide a schedule of work with timelines, information and images for communications in a timely manner, as per the contract, as well as taking part in a public presentation/event and video interview.

Who can enter? 

  • The open call is open to all practitioners over the age of 18 regardless of location. There is no need to have studied at an educational institution in the UK or elsewhere. TPG encourages applications from all individuals and groups who meet the criteria and whose work shows outstanding talent, originality and innovation. The Photographers’ Gallery is committed to equal opportunities and they encourage applications from all persons without discrimination.

For more information, visit The Photographers Gallery.

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