Women Photograph Mentorship Program

Deadline Date: June 05, 2024

 Donor Name: Women Photograph

 Grant Size: $1000 to $10,000


The Women Photograph is currently accepting applications for the Women Photograph Mentorship Program to provide support for work on a local visual storytelling project over the course of six months.

The mentorship program will take place remotely over the course of July-December of 2024, and requires proposing work on a specific project throughout that period. They will strongly prioritize photographers looking to work locally/within their own communities, and estimate that the mentorship will require a minimum of 8-12 hours of engagement per month. Mentors will be selected specifically because of their areas of expertise in relation to each selected mentee’s project and practice. 

The photographers who stand to benefit most from this program are already at the beginning of a documentary/photojournalistic practice and looking for targeted guidance and mentoring in the early stages of their career.

Funding Information

  • This year, they will pair five early career photographers with an industry leader as a mentor, and provide $2,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The mentorship/fellowship program is open to women, nonbinary, transgender, and intersex documentary photographers of any nationality. Central to Women Photograph’s mission is to be inclusive of and support work from photographers who represent a diverse range of identities, geographies, and experiences. 
  • Members of Women Photograph are not eligible to apply. All mentees will join the Women Photograph database at the end of the program.
  • They welcome applicants of all ages, however you must have less than 5 years of professional experience to apply (less than 5 years of the majority of your income coming from photography).
  • Applications must be submitted in English, but they welcome applications translated using services like Google Translate.

For more information, visit Women Photograph.

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