Applications open for BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards

Deadline Date: June 30, 2024

Donor Name: BBVA Foundation

Grant Size: $100,000 to $500,000

The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards recognize fundamental contributions in a broad array of areas of scientific knowledge, technology, humanities and artistic creation.

Award Categories

  • The disciplines and domains of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards are:
    • Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
    • Biology and Biomedicine
    • Information and Communication Technologies
    • Climate Change and Environmental Sciences
    • Economics, Finance and Management
    • Humanities
    • Social Sciences
    • Music and Opera
  • The Climate Change and Environmental Sciences award recognizes both research endeavors in these two areas and impactful actions informed by the best science. The Music and Opera category encompasses composition, instrumental and vocal performance, musical and stage direction, and video art creation associated with musical or operatic works.

Award Information

  • The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards consist of 400,000 euros, a diploma and a commemorative artwork in each of their eight categories.
  • In the event that an award is shared by more than one person, its monetary amount will be divided equally among all recipients.
  • All awards, in whatever category, will be subject to the withholding and other taxes prescribed by current legislation, which will be deducted from their total amount.


  • Self-nomination is not permitted.
  • Any scientific or cultural organization or institution can submit nominations, following their own internal procedures. Among them:
    • Scientific or artistic societies and organizations
    • National and regional academies of science or culture
    • Public or private R&D centers
    • University schools, departments or institutes and research or teaching institutes
    • Hospital departments and biomedical research centers
    • Schools of music
    • Orchestras, orchestra associations, opera theaters and opera associations
    • Public agencies and supranational, national or regional organizations substantially engaged in analysis and/or activities relating to climate change and environmental conservation
    • Other scientific, cultural and environmental organizations
  • Winners of the Nobel Prize in any of its categories are likewise eligible to nominate, as are past winners of the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards.
  • The BBVA Foundation may also invite nominations from researchers and cultural creators that have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields, establishing consultative or advisory panels to this end.
  • The same organization, institution or individual nominator may put forward more than one candidate without limitation of number, but no candidate may be nominated in more than one award category.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates may be one or more natural persons of any nationality, without limitation of number, that have made independent or convergent contributions to a given advance, whether due to a formal collaboration (with the nominees belonging to one or more groups) or parallel working. The awards are also open to scientific or cultural organizations that can be collectively credited with exceptional contributions to sci- entific knowledge, cultural creation, the fight against climate change or the conservation of the natural environment.
  • Awards may not be granted posthumously.

For more information, visit BBVA Foundation.

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