Next Generation Foresight Practitioner – Young Voices Awards

 Deadline Date: June 30, 2024

 Donor Name: Next Generation Foresight Practitioner

 Grant Size: Less than $1000

Are you a 12-17 year old with a passion to create a better future? Then the NGFP Young Voices award is the perfect opportunity for you! They are looking for young people with innovative ideas and projects to make the world a better place. They recognize the immense potential young people have to shape the world and they are eager to listen, learn and support you as you embark on your foresight journey.

So, if you are curious about how the world is changing, have a desire to translate innovative ideas about the future into action and make a difference in your community, and are willing to become an ambassador for a more sustainable future, they can’t wait to hear from you!

Following the success of NGFP-YV Awards in 2023. They saw youth from around the world taking action to create positive change in their communities. From Uganda to Kazakhstan, young leaders are launching initiatives to advance education, empower women, protect the environment, and more. In Peru, students are being trained in leadership and design thinking. Girls in India are tackling e-waste through recycling. Teens in the UK are promoting youth voice and peacebuilding. Youth in Brazil are providing educational opportunities in underserved areas, while students in Tanzania are bringing clean water to villages. Young people in the US are leveraging technology like AI to reduce microplastics. Across the globe, youth are coming together through partnerships and collaborations to build a more just, sustainable, and equitable future for all.

Award Information

  • The first-place winner will receive a USD $1000 prize to help realize their future-focused project and catapult their idea into action. 
  • Three others will each receive a USD $500 prize.
  • Six top finalist will be honorably mentioned and recognized 
  • Seventeen will be recognized for each UN Sustainable Development Goal.

Eligibility Criteria

  • They know that young people are doing great things to create a better future – and they would like to hear about them. Individual, partner, or group project submissions are welcomed 12-17 years of age. They see this as the start of a conversation so they can learn, listen, and support futures thinking as a start into their foresight journey.
  • The qualities they are looking for are curiosity about the changing world and the people around them. There’s interest in translating  future-focussed ideas into action in service to their community. Young Voices applicants have a willingness to become an ambassador for futures and for sustainability.

For more information, visit NGFP.

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