NOFO: Advancing Interim and Durable Solutions NGO Programs

Deadline Date: June 17, 2024

Donor Name: Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration

Grant Size: $100,000 to $500,000

Applications are now open for NGO Programs – Advancing Interim and Durable Solutions that contribute to the global learning and/or advancement of best practices on interim and durable solutions for refugees, asylum seekers, and/or stateless persons.

Durable solutions end an individual’s refugee or stateless status, such as through voluntary return and reintegration, local integration, or resettlement in another country. Given that access to durable solutions remains limited for a majority of refugees and stateless persons and the timeframe to access a durable solution is often protracted and uncertain, PRM also supports access to interim solutions. Interim solutions can be understood as efforts that support inclusion in host country national services such as health care, education, or sustainable housing. It may also, for instance, contribute to self-reliance by supporting access to labor markets and livelihoods, or advance measures that contribute to durable solutions such as identity documentation or addressing freedom of movement.


  • This NOFO seeks proposals addressing one of three themes:
    • Self-reliance
      • Capacity Strengthening
        • Capacity Strengthening: NGO/CBO
        • Capacity Strengthening: Local Governments
      • Education
      • Health
      • Livelihoods And Economic Empowerment (full proposals must include a market analysis or will be disqualified)
      • Protection
        • Protection: Legal
        • Protection: Child Protection
        • Protection: GBV
        • Protection: Socio-cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion
      • Shelter and Settlements (S&S)
      • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
      • Cross-cutting: CVA
    • Statelessness
      • Capacity Strengthening
        • Capacity Strengthening: NGO/CBO
        • Capacity Strengthening: Local Governments
      • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
      • Protection
        • Protection: Legal
        • Protection: Child Protection
        • Protection: GBV
        • Protection: Socio-cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion
    • Innovation
      • Capacity Strengthening
        • Capacity Strengthening: NGO/CBO
      • Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
      • Education
      • Health
        • Health: Sexual and Reproductive Health
      • Livelihoods And Economic Empowerment (full proposals must include a market analysis or will be disqualified)
      • Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
      • Protection
        • Protection: Legal
        • Protection: Child Protection
        • Protection: GBV
        • Protection: Socio-cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion
      • Shelter and Settlements (S&S)
      • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
      • Cross-cutting: CVA

Funding Information

  • Program proposals must not be less than the funding floor and not more than the funding ceiling per year or they will be disqualified.
    • Funding floor per year (lowest $ value): $100,000 per year
    • Funding ceiling per year (highest $ value): $400,000 per year
  • Program periods of performance of one-year (12 months) cycles for a period not to exceed three years (36 months) will be considered.

Who can apply?

  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education (U.S.-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of non-profit tax status). 
  • Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education (overseas-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of registration in country of domicile); and 
  • For-profit organizations or businesses. 
  • International Organizations. International multilateral organizations, such as United Nations agencies, should not submit proposals through in response to this NOFO. Multilateral organizations that are seeking funding for programs relevant to this announcement should contact the PRM Program Officer (as listed below) before the closing date of the funding announcement.

For more information, visit

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