PRM Resettlement Support Centers (RSCs) Grant Program

 Deadline Date: June 09, 2024

 Donor Name: Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration

 Grant Size: More than $1 million

Applications are now open for the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) Resettlement Support Centers grant program.

The admissions process for refugee applicants seeking resettlement in the United States is overseen by the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (the Bureau).

The purpose of RSCs is to assist the Bureau in preparing the necessary casework for persons in selected locations eligible for interview by the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in support of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). For those persons approved, the RSC provides assistance in completing the additional requirements for refugee admission under Section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). These requirements include, but are not limited to, ensuring the required security checks are requested, completing a medical exam, and attending cultural orientation. In addition, the RSC collects and maintains data to facilitate the services provided to refugees by U.S.-based resettlement agencies.


  • In an effort to strengthen the quality and integrity of the USRAP, the Bureau has established the following standardized objectives and indicators, which will be monitored throughout the fiscal year, for each organization selected for funding. Applicants are required to propose at least one additional outcome-based indicator for each of these four objectives. Of the additional indicators proposed, one indicator per year must be related to:
    • cultural orientation, 
    • scheduling and coordinating medicals 
    • coordinating departures with the International Organization for Migration  (IOM), and 
    • Reviewing, adapting, and/or streamlining case processing business processes to maximize RSC efficiency. 
  • Applicants may include additional objectives and indicators if they choose. In addition, PRM reserves the right to add or change indicators in consultation with applicants during final negotiations prior to award of the cooperative agreement.
    • Objective 1: RSC completes processing for refugee applicants in accordance with USRAP guidelines and the cooperative agreement.
      • Percent of target number of refugee applicants pre-screened (using telephone, video, or in-person pre-screening as necessary). 
      • Percent of refugee applicants with Assurance requested within Service Level Agreement (SLA) once ready for Assurance. 
      • Percent of refugee applicants with travel requested within SLA once Ready for Departure. 
      • Percent of RSC-owned Action Items completed within relevant SLA timelines.
      • RSC passes quality control checks performed by PRM/Refugee Processing Center (RPC) staff on RSC cases to verify the RSC is following USRAP START processing guidance and has not deviated from this guidance without formally documented approval from PRM that is reflected in processing guides. 
    • Objective 2: RSC maintains program integrity and protects against fraud and malfeasance, in accordance with the PRM Integrity and Compliance module.
      • RSC staff and refugee applicants aware of fraud reporting channels. 
      • RSC staff demonstrate active use of the fraud reporting inbox. 
      • RSC staff engage in quarterly anti-fraud meeting with partners. 
      • RSC demonstrate that they are following current National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standard for cyber security.
      • RSC Integrity and Compliance Staff, including management, review possible breaches and malfeasance, and take appropriate next steps. 
      • RSC communicates to all applicants that the program is free of charge and that fraud should be reported. 
    • Objective 3: RSC management provides oversight and support to maintain a trained and knowledgeable workforce.
      • RSC staff receive on-boarding training, and specialized training on updated guidance/new requirements throughout the year, to achieve USRAP objectives. 
      • RSC staff able to demonstrate knowledge required to fulfil their job. 
      • RSC staff demonstrate efficient workload management practices, use START system tools where possible and conduct RSC-led trainings to equip staff. 
    • Objective 4: RSC maintains professional and respectful services, environment, and communications with refugee applicants.
      • Refugee applicant inquiries receive response within two weeks. 
      • Refugee applicants report satisfaction with quality of interactions with RSC.

Funding Information

  • Funding floor per year (lowest $ value): $0 per year
  • Funding ceiling per year (highest $ value): $200,000,000 per year
  • Programs period of performance of 12 months will be considered, with the possibility of two, one-year extensions for a total program duration of 36 months.

Geographic Regions 

  • Proposed activities should primarily support refugees in the following locations:
    • RSC Africa: Sub-Saharan Africa. 
    • RSC Asia: Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and other small caseloads in countries in Asia. 
    • RSC Austria: Austria, Croatia, and Israel. 
    • RSC Eurasia: The former Soviet Union (FSU). 
    • RSC Latin America: Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, and other countries in the region, as necessary. 
    • RSC MENA: Egypt, India, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, Qatar, and other countries in the region, as necessary. 
    • RSC TuME: Türkiye and Lebanon.              

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants
    • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of  higher education (U.S.-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of  non-profit tax status). 
    • Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of  higher education (overseas-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate  proof of registration in country of domicile). 
    • International Organizations. International multilateral organizations, such as United Nations agencies, should not submit proposals in response to this NOFO. Multilateral organizations that are seeking funding for programs relevant to this announcement should contact the PRM POC before the closing date of the funding announcement.
  • Organizations must also be authorized to operate, or eligible for authorization, by the host governments to be considered for an award. This should be understood, when required by each government’s law, to include registration with or receipt of project approval from any relevant country ministry, agency, or other official organization with jurisdiction over any activity to be conducted by the RSC. The RSC must also have authorization to operate in all countries where refugee processing activities will occur. 

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